
Watch Makeup Tutorials

I was talking to one of my best friend's from high school the other day and we were on the topic of makeup. She said, "I was talking to somebody about your makeup the other day and I told them it was funny because you used to never wear makeup and now you do all of our makeup!" I had never really thought about that, but it's so true. I used to NEVER wear makeup. I hated it. It wasn't until I got into college that I started being more interested in makeup, and now I've been asked to do people's makeup for weddings and formal events. I have to thank makeup tutorials for that. I watch them all the time!! I could spend hours a day watching different YouTuber's techniques. I highly recommend watching makeup tutorials if you're trying to get better at makeup. I'm still not the best at it, but I enjoy doing it! Just be prepared to spend money, because watching them will make you want to go out and buy all sorts of makeup.


If there is only one piece of advice I could give a somebody younger than me it would be to travel as much as possible while you can. Any chance you can go on a random road trip or go to another country, DO IT!!! Don't ever pass up the opportunity. I understand that it can get expensive, but there are places to go and ways to travel that are affordable. I was lucky enough to receive a great job when I transferred to JSU. So travelling for me is a little easier. I scare my mom half to death just going on random road trips alone. I've picked up and went to Rome, Georgia to watch a baseball game, drove to Starkville, Mississippi to see my friend Olivia, and I drove down to Panama City Beach this summer to hang out with friends. If something would've happened to me nobody would've known. I've been to the Bahamas where we got to shop for purses on the black market, see the Queen's staircase, and snorkel with the fishes in the clearest water I've ever seen. I...

Being the 'Strong One'

I'll never forget the day that I got the phone call from my older brother telling me that I needed to meet him because he needed to talk to me. I had so many thoughts running through my head. Was everybody okay? Did somebody Die? He wouldn't tell me anything unless I met him. I left my friend's house and drove to meet my brother. I slowly crawled into the front seat of his truck and tried to read his face. He had this look in his eyes that I'll never forget. After he told me everything, I just remember busting into tears and thinking: "My dad? My funny and loving dad had an affair?" I just couldn't believe it. Then everything fell into place and it all made sense. The drinking, the staying out late every night in the barn talking on the phone, the working late. It all clicked. I somehow drove back to pick up my friend, and my brother followed me the entire 45 minutes home. I could barely see the road through the tears. My brother took my friend to my h...


As I sit at work, unwrapping my second Reese's cup and chugging a Sprite, I'm going to talk a little bit about water... Growing up as an athlete I drank so much water a day and never even thought about it. All through high school and even into my first two years of playing college I drank so much water. We'd fill up huge bottles before basketball practice and drink the entire thing. We ran so much it's all I ever wanted.  When I graduated and went to Snead State Community College to play volleyball I was drinking a pretty good bit. But I was also leaving practice every single day and going through the drive thru and eating so much fast food. That's when the breakouts started. I didn't know what to do. I'd have few bumps here and there in high school, but I found myself having to constantly wear makeup in college because I was embarrassed. I quickly realized what my problem was. While I was still drinking water at practice, I had changed my die...

Stop Asking Me Why I'm Still Single

As a 22 year old, you think I'd have my life together. I don't, not even close. I still call my mom when I'm at the doctor's office because I get confused about the paper work. I have a mental breakdown every single time I put off my homework until the last minute, and then realize that I have eight hours to write a 15 page research paper. Yes, I know what kind of guy I want to spend the rest of my life with. Trust me, I have plenty of time to day dream about it while I'm supposed to be writing those papers. Yes, I have a Pinterest board dedicated to my wedding. I have every detail already figured out, and I know what kind of engagement ring I want, and I know how I want my man to propose. All of that would be great... IF I HAD A MAN. Yes, I'm aware. I'm VERY aware. Especially because everybody keeps reminding me of it. I've been single for five years. I am perfectly okay with that, I don't know why Martha (we all have a Martha on Facebook) ...

Love Your Body

The day I met Sara at volleyball tryouts at Snead State I knew we would be friends. I just didn't know what kind of impact she would have on my life and my confidence. Sara opened up about her struggles with her body in high school and the toll it took on her physically and mentally. Today, Sara is our promoting a body positive image. She is trying to help girls, who liker her struggled with the way she looked. Sara is probably one of the most confident people I have ever met. You would have never known the stuff she has been through. She now attends UAB where she is wanting to be a counselor and help young girls with eating disorders feel more confident. I asked Sara what she would say to young girls who might be struggling with their image and this is what she had to say: "When going to college, you begin a whole new life. A fresh start, but also a lot more stress and pressure on yourself to always be perfect. Almost every girl has want the 'perfect body' ...