Love Your Body

The day I met Sara at volleyball tryouts at Snead State I knew we would be friends. I just didn't know what kind of impact she would have on my life and my confidence.

Sara opened up about her struggles with her body in high school and the toll it took on her physically and mentally. Today, Sara is our promoting a body positive image. She is trying to help girls, who liker her struggled with the way she looked.

Sara is probably one of the most confident people I have ever met. You would have never known the stuff she has been through. She now attends UAB where she is wanting to be a counselor and help young girls with eating disorders feel more confident.

I asked Sara what she would say to young girls who might be struggling with their image and this is what she had to say:

"When going to college, you begin a whole new life. A fresh start, but also a lot more stress and pressure on yourself to always be perfect. Almost every girl has want the 'perfect body' and envied others of theirs. It's easy to compare yourself and feel less than because your body isn't exactly how you want it to be. Just remember, you were made this way for a reason. Your body is your temple and your home, so treat it as such. Body positivity will change your life, because you won't strive for 'perfect.' You'll love yourself at any size or shape. And realize that you are beautiful whether you are 100 pounds or 180 pounds. Something that I do that has helped me is looking in the mirror each morning and telling myself that I love myself at whatever size I am. Sounds silly, but I promise it's worth it. Love your body, love yourself."
Sara(left) and I at a Braves game this summer. 


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