
As I sit at work, unwrapping my second Reese's cup and chugging a Sprite, I'm going to talk a little bit about water...

Growing up as an athlete I drank so much water a day and never even thought about it. All through high school and even into my first two years of playing college I drank so much water. We'd fill up huge bottles before basketball practice and drink the entire thing. We ran so much it's all I ever wanted. 

When I graduated and went to Snead State Community College to play volleyball I was drinking a pretty good bit. But I was also leaving practice every single day and going through the drive thru and eating so much fast food. That's when the breakouts started. I didn't know what to do. I'd have few bumps here and there in high school, but I found myself having to constantly wear makeup in college because I was embarrassed.

I quickly realized what my problem was. While I was still drinking water at practice, I had changed my diet. I was eating so much fast food and drinking sodas that my face decided to break out. 

So, my advice to you is put down the Reese's cup and Sprite and pick up a bottle of water. Like every human being on earth, I have flaws. And one of those is my love for Taco Bell and a large Baja Blast. It takes a toll on my skin. I can always tell when I need to cut it out and start drinking water again. Not only does it clear up my face, but it just makes me feel better and healthier. 

Trust me, I know how exhausting college is and you just NEED that Mt. Dew or that energy drink, but your skin doesn't need it. 


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